The plan

Incentivize industry to convert CO₂ into sellable products

Zephyro is searching for the ultimate solution in converting CO into valuable products

The following is our 3-step plan, ultimately resulting in our ability to implement the best technology in real-world applications. The goal is to find this solution, implement it at-scale, and educate the general public.

Phase One

Survey the literature and identify research institutions that are best suited to tackle the issues presented in our mission. By connecting with these institutions, we will choose which are best suited for our goals and present a call for proposals where technologies for carbon capture will be of emphasis.

Phase Two

Based on the effectiveness, costs, and conversion process of the carbon capture technologies, the few most promising technologies presented from Phase One will be selected. The selected technologies will receive funding (3-4 years) to scale-up the technology with full lab tests and optimization of the technology.

Phase Three

The best 1-2 technologies from Phase Two will be selected for scale-up pilot studies. Implementation of the best technology in real world application. Education of general public through conference attendance/presentations, hosting of events, and media outreach will continue.

What are these “sellable” valuable products?

Carbon is the building block of life. Almost anything can be made from CO2, but here are a few examples of sellable products that can be made today.

Product Market scale (annual)
Microalgae Global demand: 1,350 MT
Market value: $22.2 B
Urea Global production: 198.4 MT
Market value: $59.5 B
Polycarbonate Global demand: 3.6 MT
Market value: $14.4 B
Methanol Global production: 75 MT
Market value: $36 B
Dimethyl carbonate (DMC) Global demand: 0.24 MT
Market value: $280 M
Dimethyl ether (DME) Global demand: 6.3 MT
Market value: $3.2 B

MT - millon tons, imperial; B - $1 billion USD.

Zephyro’s milestones: a 10+ year plan

  • Ramp-up phase: 1 year ($100k, 100% internal)

  • Phase 1, search for the right technology: 2 years ($400k internal research, $600k external research)

  • Phase 2, technology validation: 3 years ($4M internal research, $6M external research)

  • Phase 3, pilot plant: 5 years ($5M internal engineering, $95M external engineering, construction)

  • Phase 4, outreach and education: ongoing (100% of royalty payments are spent internally on scholarships, marketing, public relations, education, and outreach)

Meet the Founders

  • Grant Thomas, Co- Founder & CEO

    Grant Thomas is a commercial litigator with a focus on intellectual property. He continues to work with several start-up clients to develop their platforms. His passion for promulgating climate change solutions led him to co-found Zephyro.

  • Charles Bailey, Co-Founder & CFO

    MS from Drexel University, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. Charles holds dual degrees in entrepreneurship and engineering management. He is passionate about preserving our world’s oceans and natural wonders.

  • Dr. Gregory Fridman, Co-Founder & CTO

    Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering, interest in synthetic chemistry, plasma chemistry, catalysis, and plasma engineering. Principal Investigator/Co-PI on multiple government and private grants. Dreams to use 25+ years of knowledge to improve our children’s future.

Ramp-up phase: Help us get started!

Ramp-up phase deliverables

  • Functioning environmental startup

  • $1M for Phase 1

  • Partnerships with major institutions and research facilities with interest and expertise in carbon capture and utilization

  • Connections with potential recipients of pilot-scale funding

  • Target donors and agencies willing to support our vision

  • Plan, schedule, budget, and timeline of Phase 1

Make a donation

Zephyro LLC is a Pennsylvania 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax-deductible. After donating, you will receive a letter from us, so please make sure your contact information is accurate.

Your donation can help change the world. For that, we are thankful to you. With love and kindness, Zephyro Team.


Ramp-up funds